I have a teeny little confession to make.
I think I’m a little burned out on writing about all the misconceptions and mistruths about agriculture. Those of you who know me well know that I’'ve spent a good number of years sharing information about poultry farming, specifically, and agriculture, generally. It has been and continues to be a passion of mine. I blog about it here along with my personal blog and a few other channels seeking out factual poultry farming information.
But right now, I’m tired. And frankly, a little bent out of shape.
The continued attacks on animal agriculture from animal activist groups keep coming.
Case in point: Did you think the activists would be happy switching nearly every major retailer and food-service company to cage-free eggs? I didn’t either. Now they’re saying cage-free isn’t good enough (New York Times).
Huh. Imagine that.
Let me guess: Completely eliminating egg production would be best.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Only, who wins? Certainly not the farmers and their families I know, who love what they do and work 24-7 to care for their birds, provide a high-quality protein for consumers, and make a living for their families.
Certainly not consumers like me. I like eggs. I like animal protein. I don’t want an activist organization to dictate what I purchase in the supermarket or at a restaurant. And I’m quite sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
The activists would say the hens win. But . . . call me silly, but what would we do with all those hens if we didn’t need or want their eggs? I believe God has a purpose for all animals and hens lay eggs, one of the world’s most perfect and versatile forms of protein.
Enough already.
By the way, that New York Times article I linked to above? The animal activist group clearly stated they didn’t have permission to be on the farm where they were videotaping cage-free production. And guess what? They don’t think that’s illegal. A spokesperson told the New York Times “the group had not broken any laws because they had suspected animal cruelty and that gave them a right to enter the property.” Excuse me? How is this organization above the laws of the land?
Let me be clear. I do NOT condone animal cruelty. Farmers and their employees must treat their animals with respect and great care – and most do. That is a non-negotiable for me.
Another non-negotiable? Choice when it comes to my food decisions. I know vegans and vegetarians and meat eaters ... whatever you choose for yourself is fine by me. I just wish a small group of activists hell-bent on ending meat consumption (and make no mistake – that’s what they want) would stop trying to make those choices for me.
By laura durben
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